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The Honourable Paul Lucas is a Consultant with Holding Redlich. As well as being admitted as a Lawyer for over 30 years, he brings 11 years as a Cabinet Minister (with essentially all that time on CBRC – the inner Cabinet) and 4 years as a Deputy Premier. During his time in Government Paul was Minister across a diverse range of portfolios including: Innovation & Information Economy (including Energy), Transport & Main Roads, Infrastructure & Planning, Health and Attorney-General Minister for Local Government & Special Minister of State.  


As a former Attorney-General, Paul was often the ultimate consumer of legal advice provided to Government. He understands:

  • that typically Government wishes to evaluate options and requires these to be clearly articulated against a background of model litigant principles
  • that Government is keen to maintain ongoing relations with business stakeholders and is looking for innovative and fair win-wins in approaching legal disputes and project permissions
  • the importance of balancing a ‘legal win’ against minimising the cost to the taxpayer.

As former Deputy Premier and Minister across diverse portfolios, Paul developed an invaluable skills set, including:

  • clear understanding and practice of heading multi-portfolio task forces to understand and solve wicked policy problems
  • substantial experience with COAG, State - Local Government Bodies (throughout the State – particularly in Planning & Development issues) and legal issues arising therefrom
  • relationships across the political divide, including within Government; between all three levels of Government; and at a national and interstate level. With particular responsibility of maintaining the State’s relationship with leaders from the opposing side pf politics
  • understanding of private sector corporations and interest groups issues with Government, and how to, where possible, resolve these in a mutually satisfactory way
  • responsibility for a legislative agenda across many portfolios including the key interface of policy intent and drafting instructions/requirements.

As former Infrastructure & Planning; Energy; and Transport & Main Roads Minister he has been involved from instigation to completion in:

  • strategic infrastructure policy development including funding; corridor planning and identification; land acquisition considerations including hardships and resumptions
  • State-wide responsibility for Urban Planning including the South east Qld Regional Plan; creation and appointment of the Urban Land Development Authority; Statutory supervision of all Local Government Planning Instruments and negotiating approval and amendment thereto; Proclamation and supervision of State Development Areas under the State Development & Public Works Organisation Act 1971
  • procurement decisions including funding negotiations with Federal Governments; choice of method of construction – including multiple PPPs; Alliances; Regional aggregation; DC&M
  • ultimate supervising of PPP concessions such as Airport Link toll road and  Airtrain Citylink and re-negotiating the franchise agreement in relation to the latter
  • developing legislative policy (including extensive legal considerations) in areas as diverse as Young Driver Licensing; Heavy Vehicle Regulation; Taxis; National energy policy
  • been, variously, the Regulator – or responsible Minister - for regulation in areas including: energy; rail safety; taxis and limousines; professional licensing (Health); Trusts and the legal profession (Attorney-General) and prosecutions arising therefrom
  • policy matters with respect to many Government owned corporations – Qld Rail; ports; motorways; and generators, distributors & transmission
  • critical issues involving working with Native Title and Traditional Owners on matters of legal and cultural significance; and training, job creation and community development outcomes –particularly from major projects.

As a Member of the State Parliament for 16 years he brings unparalleled understanding of:

  • legislative processes, from policy formulation to legislation and beyond
  • the Parliamentary Committee system (including the then Parliamentary Criminal Justice Committee – which he then chaired).

As a Director of State-Owned Enterprises and Authorities – Both Federal and State, including:

  • Cross River Rail – Qld’s largest PPP [Chairperson]
  • Powerlink
  • Residential Tenancies Authority
  • Airservices Australia – a Federal Body
  • his duties have included governance management, procurement of complex projects and probity issues related thereto and working cooperatively with senior public servants and Ministers on key outcomes. 

He has delivered seminars to numerous bodies (including the Australian Institute of Company Directors) on how to engage with Government for business and policy success.